
The Saturday Summary, The Month of February!

Spring Fashion for the Way I Live Now-Final Thoughts on a Friday (* warning I ramble a bit)

My Mother and Pansies

In Defense of Quick Quilts

A Magic Monday-With Muddled Musings

Serenity Sunday, My Roses are Blooming

Threads, Letting Go

The Cinemagraph- Photo's Come to Life

Magic Squares #1, or She Can't Talk on the Phone and Sew at the Same Time:)

Snowbound and Magic Squares Quilt

Serenity Sunday, I am Here, Nothing White in Sight

The Creative Bridge, Inspiration and Appreciation

St. Valentine's Day in Sewtopia

Confessions of a Fabraholic

Color and Design, I Can See Quilts From Here!

Words of Wisdom

Monday Musings....I got Nothing

Serenity Sunday, Regal Wildlife

Another Have to Share Moment-The Double Windmill Quilt