Snowbound and Magic Squares Quilt

unlike these vehicles, mine is going nowhere!
I just had to send this out. Posted on a local Sewing Machine dealers blog it is the epitome of life here right now. Just add snow, ice and bumper to bumper traffic at 60 MPH on the lower deck of the Fort Pitt Bridge. You just cannot appreciate the tangle unless you are there. Stay away dear friends, stay away!

So that leads me to The Magic Squares Quilt. I need a quick project, I do not want anything that will test my patience or my mind. Last night while surfing a million or so U-tube videos I found my project. I know, I know, I said I would finish current projects before I start another one. So shoot me, I lied, I tried but I this is just too tempting.

The Video, yes I am making another U-tube quilt! My work is now proceeding in a Series! A term employed by serious artists and production experts, Series Work is supposed to provide transition and growth in the artists. Oh yes this is serious stuff. First, the Jelly Roll Marathon, then the Foundation Pieced String and now, ta da, the Magic Squares. It is a series, a U-Tube series!

Kate Spain Fabric, Sunnyside      I am using this collection. Changed my mind about the Windmill pattern. The fabric is beautiful and the motifs are too nice to be chopped into little pieces. Today, we sew!  
