August 9th, (a Friday) is World Cross-Stitch Day!
(*The story of this cross stitch piece, Jane Fiddes, 1835. A Hands Across the Sea Sampler reproduction, HERE.)
I thought I would give you all a "heads-up" for this world wide event!
In preparation, I suggest a time window for my blog readers, say, 1-3
pm Eastern time. My plan is to be perched in my favorite stitching chair, in the corner of my bedroom, with my favorite window over my right shoulder, I will use the lamp that is up there. I have a sewing machine cabinet in that window alcove, Baby Lock Rachel lives there. I keep little do-dad's there. My other cross-stitch supplies are in that room. Now, to be clear, Jane Fiddes is not on the menu yet. I am not up for something this size and my skill level is really iffy. I need to work up to this one! I discovered a local Face Book group that is planning to meet up if they can organize the logistics. I'll not likely be able to do that, thus a virtual event!