When to Quit, When to Start, and When to Hang it Up!

 OK, the bad news first. Remember this? I named it the Wonky Block Quilt because it was made from test blocks from early in my quilting life. No matter how hard I tried, I didn't like it, couldn't like it, had no connection with it. It had so many flaws and I didn't even like the colors after it was all pieced.  I delayed finishing it as long as possible. Well the time came. As I worked on the quilting I noticed my Even Feed Foot, or walking foot, started to squeak. I checked the backing, it looked good, I continued. When I was quilting the last quarter, I decided to take a look again. Bad, very, very bad. It was all puckered and well, Wonky. If I really liked this quilt, I would pick it all out and start over. I don't like it, I won't rescue it. I trimmed it up and tossed it aside to bind at a later date for the dogs, if they will even lay on it. Done with it. A very important milestone here. If I ever feel this way again about a quilt project, I will stop. Quit and waste no more time.  

 So now I needed a replacement. Enter the Moda Fabrics Dogwood charm packs. Such lovely fabrics, very pastel, very feminine, very chic. I didn't know what I would do with them but have looked at them over and over. Thinking, of course, I should have picked up some yardage as well. Anyway, right after the Wonky toss, I decided to make some half-square triangles with the charm blocks. I have done this before and like the results.Where it will go after this....I am not sure.

Charm square blocks, right sides together, marked on the diagonal, stitch 1/4   inch on either side of marked line. String piece all one side, then the other, cut on marked line. Pressed seams open.

Above, blocks on a design wall (large piece of polar fleece, draped over book case) See how the blocks look with the white background. Simulating white sashing. Below with Moda solid black 2 inch strips. Which do you prefer? I don't want to buy any more fabric so I will use one of my standby whites or this black.

Today's assistant, resting his head on my knee as I sew. And yes, his head is that big!

The Word Project: Connection
: the act of connecting : the state of being connected: as
a : causal or logical relation or sequence connection
between two ideas>
b (1) : contextual relation or association connection the word has a different meaning> (2) : relationship in fact connection with a robbery>
c : a relation of personal intimacy (as of family ties)
d : coherence, continuity


ELMO said…
I think the colors are too soft for the black, I like the white better!
Corrine said…
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Corrine said…
try this again, fingers were on all the wrong keys!

Duly noted and appreciated. Te He He!
Jeanneke said…
I agree with Elmo, thinking the white ones are better for the lovely, delicate colours than the black.

Corrine said…
In person, the black looked a little Asian-flavored to me. But I think you are both correct, it is too strong with the pastels. If there were some stronger predominates the black might work. Thanks for your opinion.