Looming Ahead, Hats, Lots and Lots of Hats

The Sew and Sews tend to think alike. Today was Loom Day. Lots of Looms in service. Talk about a great and fast way to knit hats. Whether you are starting your Holiday projects early or planning donations to the needy for cold weather, the Loom is the way to go. Really. I have discussed these before, this post will explain what I mean. Meet the Looms.
can you believe how little the heads are that wear these little hats?

Karen and New Group Member Sandy are looping along!

Never one to be left behind, Kay has a beautiful blue piece in progress.

Now Linda is going real fancy, after these rows she added white, great combination, hopefully she will bring it back so we can see the finished product.

Wow, Pat his some really nice heathered colors for her hat.
See what I mean, we are all a bit Loomy!!!!

Gratuity Moment: a new friend, Sandy.
***as usual no compensation received or implied!


Jeanneke said…
Cute little hats! Egg hats?

Corrine said…
I never thought of them as egg hats, but your idea is a good one!!! No, they are hats for little babies and premature babies in one of our maternity hospitals. We make these hats and small quilts to cover isolettes in the nursery.