Finesse, Flair, Verve, Ardor, Gusto, Moxie, Vim, Zeal, Zing

I said Mojo, not Mojito!

I don't particularly like using the term mojo to define that feeling, that energy, that adroitness that is the Sewists start button. Whether it is quilting or garment construction, it requires that energy, that spark, that incentive to proceed.

In the planning or the design phase it sometimes only requires the smallest thing, like a button, or a certain fabric on a bolt folded just a certain way. Occasionally, the pattern is so unique, its design lines so clever that the juices flow. 
Button "Beckie" available Here at Lots of Buttons.

The Anise Pattern, by Collete Patterns arrived yesterday. It reminds me of a jacket I made quite some time ago. A 60's esthetic but with modern styling. Available here.

Whatever, I need a new term, a definition, a label. Is it in the title of the post. Not sure yet, working on it. Looking for it. I like the sound of Moxie, but Zeal seems more like the emotion I am attempting to define. What would you do?

 Gratuity Moment: I suppose I should be glad that I am still looking for IT.


ELMO said…
spark? catalyst? Quickening (although this term is also used for contractions, so maybe not the best).
I take that back, I like quickening, because for me being creative involves a lot of back burner thinking, and over time my subconscious processes it all, and before you know it, I can't turn it off. Ideas spring forth and it's difficult to process them all. There's a tipping point to inspiration.
Corrine said…
That's the word, the perfect word! Giving birth to the idea, the fabrication, the process! That's it! However, at my age, there may be questions of religious significance if I describe my "quickening!"