The Quilter and Her Side Project, Baby, It's Been Fun

 Free Chicken Rooster photo and picture

 I miss our neighborhood roosters. They resided 4 houses away and I suspect those next door were not as captivated as I was. But gee, it was actually a comforting sound knowing that life was going on here and there with the almighty chickens were on the job! 

A busy week here. I will share the projects tomorrow if I can load the photo's. Meeting with dear friends, special lunches, and birthday celebrations with cousins. Is age a number or an attitude? I think maybe both? I am fortunate to have a caring family and dear friends. 

We have had one beautiful day after another. Cool mornings, warm afternoons, lots of sun, little breezes that are sort of like little kisses. A gift. My trees that normally start to show their colors are doing just that. As I write this, golden leaves are drifting in the breeze. I know my green world is on its way to Autumn. I have another bushel of green tomatoes to pick. I have been recipe scanning for a couple days. 

  • Today I hope to get some photo's taken. A little hint, there is a very special baby on the way. The due date is creeping up and the Mom is coming to choose her Christening dress. I have one more piece to make, I will be busy for the next couple days.
  • After these projects the studio will need a major clean up. I think I will change the decor a bit. 
  • On a disturbing note..... Mr. Sewtopia caught a snake coming out of the sink drain in the bathroom off the studio. Can you imagine? Mr. is horribly unhappy with any snake that crosses his path. I heard the yelling, I heard banging around down there. I admit I had a bit of fear that one of my tools might be harmed. No, all is well down there. 
  • If I don't get moving, Nothing will get done here today, so, toodles.   
     Free Chicken Hen illustration and picture



