Welcome August, It's Tea Time As I Visit My Opinion About Blogs and Advertisements


I only do these opinion things once a month, or even less. I love the way social media has opened the doors for all creatives. But, mmm, sometimes I just need to rant. So, please move on if you are not inclined. I won't mind, it's all good.  

 August.  How has that happened? Each season seems to move along more rapidly than the prior one. Well, except the long drab Winter. And we can't forget about the drag it out tease me Spring. 

This months subject has been visited before. It might be a thing with me. Time is precious, our online time is valuable. So, this month I am thinking about blogs again, blogs with ads and those without. I also consider paid subscription reads. But first, the best experience of the month just past, a museum exhibit.

Months ago the Frick Art Museum in Pittsburgh announced a once in a lifetime exhibit. The Rembrandt, Monet and Vermeer.  No matter what, I was going, even if I needed to be wheeled into the museum. The Rembrandt was his 100th self portrait. It hung front and center in the first of the largest exhibit room. It was really big. I have walls that aren't that big! *I exaggerate. There were so many glorious pieces; a stunning DeBeer, a Gainsborough, a van Dyck, a Degas, I could go on and on.  All beautiful, so many other artists as well.  But this one, this classic landscape in an ornate gold frame caught my eye, and my heart.  Robert Ward van Bostkerk, 1855-1932, oil on canvas, painted around 1900 was lighted in shadow, it was stunning. He was an American painter who specialized in landscapes and cityscapes. I knew nothing about him. A picture speaks a thousand words, possibly. I'm searching for a print of this one. I know where it will go.   

August is one of those transitional months, schools are reopening for 2024-2025, the new clothes for the season are showing up in the shops, and Christmas projects are beckoning the quilters. I have been studying several new-to-me blogs and revisiting some that I left because the ads were so distracting. On the You Tube channels the ads are placed conveniently. There is usually one in the beginning of the video, that one you can't skip then maybe one or two that you can skip. On the blogs the ads run on every border, pop into the text, and often redirect you to another retail ad. On a rare occasion I check back because the blogs are good, really good, if you can find the text and/or the photos. I left one mid-read this afternoon because they have a new ad system, each one has layers, usually three to clear before you can read the text.  

That leads me to my angst. I know that these ads create an income stream for the bloggers. I understand. Good for you. I can't be bothered. I am fortunate to not need to do this for an income. I know that. I did mention this major change to a blog I read regularly. The writer was terribly hurt that I mentioned this and left the subscription. I still pop in now and then because her content is interesting. It is a lifestyle and decorating blog, interesting, but not essential.

I do have a paid subscription to one blog. It is very different from everything else I read. It has a bit of everything and the photography is excellent. I do not necessarily follow those posts that contrast my faith beliefs, but everything is honest, intelligent, and kind.       

My plans for August include:

  • Cut and dry my herbs, I am considering a different storage method. a project for sure.
  • I want to try some new recipes. Husband is diabetic and getting bored with the same old stuff. I need to keep the menu interesting so he doesn't lapse and slip into McDonalds.
  • I need to transfer some newer machine embroidery designs to a USB. I am getting behind in my few Fall projects. I want to make some new pillows for the living room and my bedroom.
  • I am planning a tea party for a few old friends. We worked to together years ago. Nursing creates a bond that is difficult to explain. We have shared experiences that others cannot imagine. It creates a sisterhood. 
  • I am not expecting any company this August. Most of the cousins have come and gone and my nursing school room mate was here last week. 58 years ago we stepped into the unknown. She is the sister I never had. We can pick up where we left off from year to year. I fear we may not see each other again. That is a hard reality that we reach with every visit. 
  • But the beauty of Autumn is on the horizon. I love the colors and scents. It's good, a good time to savor. Be well, be hopeful, and be kind.  
