Thus and That, Exploring Video's

 Good morning, hope you are all well and finding a great incentive to create. I have been reading in various forums how with the wind-down of our Summer, we often see a similar lull in our sewing. Mine is entirely related to the pain in my right leg being horribly aggravated by using the pedal! I have a machine that I can operate with a push button. Tried it and had some really wonky seams. I will try again later today. Lola is at the groomer so I have a couple hours to play. 

The weekend was busy with a baby shower and some errands and visits. Baby showers are so much fun. Seeing young people at the beginning of the parenthood journey knowing how much that little one will change you as a person and how it will affect the trajectory of your life. Love it. With a nice selection of gifts, this family has a nice start. 

Today I offer some links to different YouTube videos that may offer some new information for you. My front porch has been a bit idle this week, it needs a sweep for sure. As I stand there, facing the northern fields and sky I see the first tree, a maple, is turning orange. It has always been the first, it is my monitor to tell me to get ready, changes are ahead. Son tells me the Farmers Almanac predicts a long, cold, snowy winter for us. They have said this for the last three years, we have had warm winters. I have little confidence in their predictions. 

A few weeks ago this post appeared from Highclere Castle. Such a charming read. I never tire of her perspective on life and living.  

Lady Carnavon, The Skylark, HERE  

I think I have shared this in the past but it was also on the stack of videos with the next one on the Royal School. I am very keen on Marc Broussard, (no kidding she said!)

Cry To Me, Marc Broussard, HERE 

Have you ever heard about the short classes offered by the Royal School? Ever wonder if you could go there? Well, this young lady did and her video and story here answered some questions I had. Her enjoyable description and conclusions solved a few of my queries. Long days, slumped over a slate frame, mmm, probably not but attending vicariously was fun. Now to go find some twill tape to wrap the inner ring of my new hoop. I used to get a length from the hoop supplier but not this one...oh well. Good Girl Hunting! (*found it)

Royal School of Needlework, An American goes to school, HERE. 

2024 Festival of Quilts Tour, HERE. What an amazing selection. The discription are also helpful.

And then a little departure, a dress make of patchwork, The Stitchery, HERE. You have to see the finished product, feel free to hop ahead in the video but don't miss when she lays all the fabric out on the floor. 60 fat quarters, really!

  • I am still having trouble loading new photo's here. So sorry, I am giving myself this week to figure it out before I call Mr. Computer.  He is a good fixer but sometimes he assumes I am as  computer literate as he is. No, I am not so we have to change some things here. I like to gather lots of things for him to fix while he is here because we pay him by the hour. 
  • I am planning on making some more burp pads and possibly a changing mat for the baby. I love baby sewing. I really have no juvenile themed fabric. May need to work on that.
  • I have a 9 patch idea to share once I test some things. I have never seen this anywhere so maybe I have an original idea!
  • One last thing. I have received multiple emails about a new top of the line Brother embroidery machine. Made in the same factory (supposedly with different quality of components and thus a better price tag) as Baby Lock. I sort of considered upgrading and wanted to explore this machine. Big announcement, big video and show and tell by a sewing super star, it was a dud. All this hype with the new big deal on machines has irritated me to no end. I will not play this bait and switch game. I said this on the Facebook forum and expect some blow back because it is my contention that if you want me to buy your machine show me don't hint and play around. We are talking big bucks here and I am not a child. I don't want a star on my forehead or another 15 minutes of play time. You all (machine manufacturers and sellers) made my decision for me. No upgrade. Done with this.  
