I am still working on this EPP project! I had it tucked away in the motor home and found it when searching through the flannel stash, we were in Berlin, Ohio, where I bought the flannel! Wonders never cease. I will finish this lay-out for a table runner. There will be no big quilt for these. I am sort of tired of doing these. I finished more during my evening television periods and I decided I am done. I just need to choose a background fabric for them, that may take a year or so.
A beautiful day here, hot, hot, hot, but with the sunrise of a new day, I am working on my monthly to-do list. Even though September is not really Autumn to me, I want to get a head start on a little project or two.
I want to sort through my Accuquilt Dies. I have several Fall themed ones and if I get those ready with their double sided stabilizer, I only need to stitch them down to the item. I am thinking of an octagonal shaped pad with a leaf or two for accent.
This is mine, hand crank. One of the early ones, before the the electric ones. They did have an electric one at the time called the "studio" model but that was way beyond my budget. I have to admit that I have not used this much in the last 6 months or so. Then again, I have not been able to do much at all in that time as well.
The Accuquilt cutter and dies are not inexpensive. I often share dies with other quilting friends. It is an investment. I like my tools. What can I say, I wait for sales or discounts. Some other bloggers have affiliate associations with Accuquilt and they have discount codes as well. One is Connie Kresin Campbell of Freemotion by the River blog shares free patterns, patterns for purchase, and has an affiliation with Accuquilt. She is also an Island Batik Ambassador. Her designs are amazing.
*FYI: I no longer purchase anything from Amish sellers. I have made it a blanket decision because I am unable to discern which families abuse and neglect their animals, specifically horses. I cannot tolerate it. Fabrics, furniture, cookware, anything, including food prepared in a factory "kitchen" in Lancaster and privately labeled and sold locally and in many other places. I contribute to the shelters and rescue organizations as I can to treat and/or rehabilitate the animals. I do not broach subjects like this as a rule, but there you have it. If you find that offensive and choose to not read here, I will understand.