It's All In The Bag!

My sweet little zinnias are begging for rain. We water every day, sometimes twice a day during this dry spell. The lawn is dry and has large brown patches. A recent spot on one of the local television stations reminded us to not water the grass. It is dormant and will return to green. He also said that using tap water is actually not as helpful because it does not have the nutrients required as rain water does. 

This morning Lola and I spent some time outside on the back porch enjoying the rain and the welcome scent as it fell. With the birdsong as the background music, I see them peeking out from their brambles and limbs. We need the rain so badly we are all hoping for a bit more. 

 Today I wanted to show you a beautiful purse, not made by me, surprise, surprise, but my stitching friend Terri. You may remember her work from the Tuesday gathering quilters. She really has a varied  repertoire of skills! I am always drawn to fabrics like this; herringbone, polka dots, and plaids. 

The fall of the straps make it versatile in wearing.

And seriously a dot lining too, classic patterns on display!

Terri also made another cross-body bag from drop cloth (canvas-like) fabric! I have seen several different bloggers use the drop cloth fabric for draperies, duffle bags, and even covers for outdoor furniture.  

This little bag is a must have. I have taken to cross-body bags because when one uses a cane, that leaves one hand to open and close doors, etc. This is the back side of the bag but with the colorful trim on the pocket and the tassel, well, it is just right.  Ta-Da, now here's the front of the bag, isn't it charming? One of a kind? Any embroidery design would make this one your favorite.

These embroidery colors are perfect Terri colors, love it. This would be so nice with a denim jacket or jeans. It would do so well when shopping...or quilt shop hopping!

  • This us a free tutorial for us from The Sewing Times, HERE.  There are many patterns on this site, take a look when you have time. Thanks Terri!
  • I've been a bit "off" the last few days. Our church has offered a free 8 x 10 photo's for everyone who participates in the photo journal of all members. It is nice to be able to scan the journal when you have been carrying on a conversation with someone for months and you cannot remember their name. Really. This lady is a lovely person. She is the Saturday evening mass greeter. She holds the door for me when I am juggling my cane and a purse, etc. I think I know her name so I will ask my friend who knows EVERYONE! I kid you not. No matter where we are or where we go she knows someone. Like my son. He knows people from Washington, D.C after working on the Post Office to Hotel transformation, to every inspector and fire Marshall in three counties. He goes into not so good neighborhoods and is greeted by kind and thoughtful people every day. He has green eyes, I think there is something about that. He is a nice guy.   
I'm still waiting for the fabric I ordered to start some Fall projects. Tick-tock-tick-tock!


marly said…
There's a trick to a good cross body bag. When I wear my shoulder bag that position, it still hangs and swings when I bend. A proper cross body fit is essential to prevent tantrums in public. So embarrassing to rip it off and throw it to the floor when it is continually in the way. Some people.
celkalee said…
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I just had a bit of a tantrum with my Petunias!