Good Morning Stitchy Friends. Since we have returned to the blogging world, I thought it might be a good idea to do a brief housekeeping note as a reminder to older followers and as an intro for our new followers. Nothing complicated here. Just a road map of sorts. And a brief history.

The little plaque you see here was added several years ago to the front entrance to our home. We built this home when we were so young but I knew what I wanted even then. The brick is unique because it really is old and repurposed brick. Not a copy but the real deal. If you research a bit of history specific to this area of Pennsylvania, you will find a story about a booming wire and zinc mill. A little valley town where the temperature and weather conditions that caused a tragedy there, A story here

Our Home is my studio: Many years later when the mill was demolished the bricks were sold to be used for new building. Our home was made from some of those bricks and they are still going strong. We built this home in a wooded area with a long driveway lined with Maple trees. Moving into the home when it was done in October of 1974 we had a glorious Fall panorama of color. Thus, Maple Lane House. 

My Space: My sewing has always been in this house, not always in the same room but not in an outside building. I really did consider building a little place away from the main house but what I wanted and needed in that space would have been like building another house. Now, many people are doing that just now and I am thrilled for them, but at my age and this time in my life, it just doesn't make sense. So, I am comfortably set up in a basement room, about 25 x 16. It is full, to the brim. 

Because I seem to always have more than one thing going on at any given time, storage space is always an issue. Just one corner here.

The story of the old blog: Now to the blog. It is my story. In the past I have featured some other quilters and makers. Talk about great ladies, talent and sharing were always a part of that group. My physical limitations make traveling around prohibitive but I am still at it, sewing, quilting etc.

If you are curious about postings from the old blog please note the right side of your screen. You will see a label stating "Archives." The postings for the last 12 years are there. I was able to recover that much. Some photos have disappeared however. 

This new space: There is also a blank space to enter your email if you prefer delivery to your computer, phone, or tablet.  

Comments: At the end of each post there is a space for comments. If you choose to email a response to me the address is

Kitchen Chronicles: also on the right side of the frame is a link to another blog called kitchen chronicles. This blog is still active and linked to the old blog but I am unable to add or amend anything there. Feel free to copy anything you see there.    

In conclusion: As many already know sewing and quilting has not just been my hobby, in 2011 it saved my life. After the unexpected death of my younger son I used quilting to fill the void, to soften the blow so to speak. If I can share that saving grace for anyone, no matter what personal need they are dealing with, my purpose in life will have been fulfilled. 

Not In Vain

by Emily Dickinson
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
