I'm not sure why my brain is taking me to this subject but some tidbits are rolling around up there and I am trying to sort it out. I think it started when a friend mentioned that her children told her that she needed to start tossing much of her personal collections and memorabilia so they would not have a mess to clean up when she goes. Really, they told her that. The background is long and complicated, but this is where minimalism meets maximaism. The context here is design and style in home decor.
I look around and see my belongings and I am truly not a minimalist but I tend to lean more to the middle of the road. I have tossed this around here before, but now I am looking at it with different eyes. My conclusion is simple to me. Since I have but one son to inherit, he can do what he wishes when I move on. In the meantime, I'm living with my things, I have memories attached to most of it and I need those. So there you go.
While scanning the
McKenzie-Childs website, I came across these items that I felt were
interesting. Also on sale, not to worry, I didn't bite! But, each of
them could be copied rather easily. I can see this in some homes, a
little too whimsy for me I think, but the idea is there. Seriously, a
little broderie-perse could fashion this pillow in an afternoon! About broderie-perse, HERE And
to be sure, the pattern for this bag whether you make it lined as a
lunch bag or structured as a handbag, this pattern is "out there"
everywhere online and in every pattern collection.
Where am I going with this you ask? Well, the 30 day challenge has helped me form an opinion of what I will do as time goes along as it relates to my fabric and book collection. For the most part, not that much. I will continue to sort and donate now and then but in the end, dil, who is a quilter will have lots of fun. She will question, why did she buy this? or that? Then she can take what she wants and donate the rest. This decision will help me sleep tonight. I have no guilt or pressure to discard my possessions, dear son and dil want me to be happy, now. And if I want to do something else, they will help me.
The house tour below has made me feel like a minimalist, give a quick look and you will see what I mean. This is a maximal style of decor, meet Teddi Garrigan.
- I heard a loud crash the other day, coming from the kitchen. Well, in the base corner cabinet, you know the ones that are like a giant black hole except for the front? The top shelf collapsed onto the second shelf. Baking sheets, colanders, some pottery, and some miscellaneous chopping and mandoline slicer, noodle maker all listed heavily to the west. They in turn slid off and into some heavy cast iron pieces as well as mixing bowls, food processor attachments, etc. You get the idea. So with much difficulty I emptied the cabinet. Comes to be that when the granite was laid there it broke off a hanger-thingy that supported the shelf....way in the back. Well, I couldn't fix it, poor husband still has his hand in a splint. Son to the rescue. After some door removal, drilling, and screwing things it was fixed. Then husband helped me reload the cabinet. And yes, I do need all those items for my cooking.
- Then,
the cake I was baking required that I use the big oven. I don't like
that oven. Why? Because it has one of those gliding racks that make it
easy for you to pull out whatever you are baking....then, they neglect
to mention that when you pull that out the item will slide to the back
on their fancy, shiny, slippery shelf and fall into the back of the
oven. How does one retrieve said cake? With tongs, trying to hook the
handle, then get burnt. Yes, little burn on my hand. I am shopping for a
replacement. Again. I have not replaced the range with the fancy little
ovens yet. I keep thinking do I really need to do that? Maybe the
frustration will pass.
- Lola has been mopey recently. Seems my girl has seasonal allergies that have affected her eyes. and it has also been revealed that she has another ear infection. Vet feels that this was water in the ear from grooming. Second time this year. We need to talk. With antibiotic drops she is doing much better.
- All this discussion about AI is making me nervous.