So, I Am Going to Blame This Project on Jane Fiddes

 Do you remember my cross-stitch project Jane Fiddes? Do you remember my angst and frustration? Let me refresh the story. 3 years ago I became caught up in a stitch-along project  as part of the introduction of a special pattern by Hands Across the Sea Patterns. Jane was to be our reawakening to the world after the trauma and tragedies of the Pandemic. A new pattern with great design worked by many ladies across the world, all at the same time and documented in a private Facebook Group!

And then.....the pattern printer was running behind, the linens were in short supply and slow to ship from Germany, and in addition the silk threads from France were totally lost and then a fire at the product imagestudio decimated their silk supply. The ups and downs started to frustrate me and I still did not get my linen. Finally the linen arrived, chosen for its closeness to the original colors of the original sampler. It sort of looked like baby poo. Yes, that was it, the proverbial final straw! I packed the pattern, the silks and supplies into a project bag, then put it away. 

This week I discovered a linen in the stash that just might work! But where oh where did I stash dear Jane? Was it in the drawers and cabinets in my bedroom where I had the floor stand assembled? Was it in the sewing room in the bottom drawer of the cart I had temporarily designated for cross-stitch supplies 3 years ago? Do not ask me to define temporarily! Or, was it in one of the many drawers or cabinets or cubbies in the family room on the first floor where I did my evening/TV stitching? 

Ha! And therein lies the rub dear friends, the search did unearth the little dear project bag and yippee my favorite applique scissors were in there too. In spite of an abbreviated inventory in January, I obviously skipped a few steps. You know what I mean? 

In conclusion, I will not be starting Jane right now, I have a couple smaller projects in progress and I want to finish them before I dive into something so complicated. So now I have decided to resume a project so popular online from 2020. The 30 Day Craft Room Cleaning Challenge. I printed off the instruction guidelines then and followed them almost faithfully. On the 7th day of each week we rest or catch up.  

So starting on June 5th a new challenge. I have some extra organizer bins from Amazon I might use, I am considering (hold your horses as my mother would say) thinning the herd in the laundry room storage. Every time I plan to sort, I change my mind. This may be the year I bite the bullet. 

Week One: June 5th

1. Fold and Sort Fabric-Oh my, this will be a long day.

2. Organize Threads-Should I wait for the new embroidery threads to arrive?

3. Sort Scraps-I have thinned this collection, not all of it, just some of it.

4. Inventory Patterns-Another long day.

5. Clean and Oil Machine-The Featherweight, the Singer Rockateer, The Needle Felting Machine all need a refresh. The computerized machines, no, they go to the pro. The Janome serger and cover stitch machines will get a little a touch up too. 

6. Sort Works in Progress-Not too hard, most of that is already in project bags ready to go or resume.

7. Catch up Day-with multiple doctor appointments, this day will likely be a busy one.

"I blame the Puppies!"

Lola chewed up the remote control to the radio last weekend. I was able to replace it. Yesterday she chewed up the television remote. I had a spare. She stopped doing this some time ago but I think the puppies and their behavior is rubbing off on her. 

  • Seinfeld reruns still make me laugh, I also remember dialog. This is a little sad I think.
  • I love Spring, the sights, the sounds, the scents. Have a lovely day, consider the 30 day challenge with me, you never know what may be hidden in those drawers and closets!  



ELMO said…
I'm going to start with you, but I can't promise to stick to the calendar. In my downtime, I am opening a box and looking through it in earnest. I have four piles, toss, donate, keep, sell. The clothes that do not fit but are in good condition and remind me of good times, I am eyeing for a quilt.... I blame you. LOL Maybe Lola needs a bone.
marly said…
I am too undisciplined. Also get distracted in the middle of a task, leave it, forget to return, and nothing is ever fully accomplished. And I only have one old sewing machine to clean! Seinfeld, Mash, Frazier, even Andy Griffith are still enjoyed.
celkalee said…
Ahhh, I am thinking positively about this project, mostly because it is long overdue! I recently introduced a long-time friend to the quilting bug. She has pottered around for about a year, made the ultimate mistake of not trimming her blocks. Egads, she almost gave up. Her number one issue is a 30-year-old machine that was skipping stitches, breaking threads, etc. Pick a day lady, we are going shopping. Off to my favorite LQs to buy a nice Baby Lock. Much time was spent comparing and testing, she picked the first one I liked (no pressure) and I know, I know, I know, I have saved a Newbie from the ultimate give-up! In one week her special little girl will arrive. Since she is new to the sport, she doesn't really need to join the challenge. I'll keep and eye on her though. One needs to be prepared, right?