The February Thoughts and Things-She Vents

On this frigid day, I think I might be a bit cranky. That darn Groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of Winter. I wrote this post several weeks ago and thought I would just hold on to it, not put it up. However, since I feel this is an issue for me I reconsidered. I worry about the state of our culture. I am just venting, If you disagree that's fine, remember I am cranky. This pain is getting to me, I see the doctor tomorrow. Right now I am working on some serger learning, it is a process to go beyond the basics. Have a lovely day.  

Have you ever had a thought or an idea that just percolated in the back of your mind? Not anything earth shattering or life changing but some that just niggles away and crops up in certain circumstances or situations. 

I was fortunate to observe the state of manners in our culture on a recent shopping trip. I am compromised when walking more than a few feet. I can get there, with great effort most of the time, this is a relatively new phenomena after a nerve block by a bumbling young physician who gifted me with some problems. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon. Anyway, I digress. As I approached the door to this shop I needed to dodge cars zooming into the parking lot and a bitter cold wind as well. While I do not expect anyone to come to my aid, I was rather taken aback when a young couple, probably early twenties, rushed in front of me when I was about 3 feet from the door, dashed in and permitted the door to close before I touched the handle. They did see me, the seemed totally unaware of simple behaviors. Likely never taught courtesy, they were quite rude to the sales staff as well. 

Interestingly, upon return to the same store (for a exchange) on a rainy day, a young man noticed me just as I was leaving the cross walk to walk the 15 feet to the door. He waited, he held the door for me, I was so thankful. He commented that "my mother taught me well." She sure did. 

OK, so that leads me to the Rabbit Hole that I ended up falling into as it pertains to modern manners or the lack of them. Why have we fallen into bad habits? It's the little things that make up our days most of the time. Several of the articles I read, as well as chapters dedicated to this issue target disobedient children. Were my sons the epitome of perfect behavior, they surely were not but I made a point of interrupting a negative behavior when it occurred or spent a special moment explaining and enforcing a more positive approach to a situation. 

 For example, a child of school age screaming at his mother because she was buying, for him, the fruity colored cereal on the bottom shelf. Not the Brand Name item that likely was more expensive. The parent in church who totally ignores that his child is walking up and down on the pew, spilling his juice box here and there. The screaming child in the background while Mum is on the phone. Each of these incidents were teaching moments, moments that would guide the child in later life to consider others, to protect their own reputation as well as permit the parent a moment of pride in their parenting skills. 

I am not alone in recognizing the failure of our society in the manners department. We do not want to be known as a nation of rude and insensitive social misfits. 

On that thread, I found some interesting pieces in Southern Living Magazine that brought back my childhood teachings. A few were very smile-worthy! The Links Below;        


Southern Manners, HERE 

Hair Salon Etiquette, HERE 

The Proper Houseguest, HERE 


marly said…
Agree. Not sure if lack of manners is the reason, more so selfishness. Just as the parent feels their personal time should not be spent on discipline. My 2 cents!