It will be back to Coleus this summer for these planters. They do so well there and since they are only a few steps from the front door, they are convenient for me to water and care for. Also, the bees only hover here when the little flowers appear, I snip those off to make the plant put more of its energy into these stunning leaves.
In a bit of a preparation for Spring, I needed to freshen some elements in my everyday wear. I have mentioned in the past that I dress comfortably for home because I take care of my home, I cook, I sew. So, comfort is important to me, but I also want to be prepared to leave the house if need be. I cringe when I see ladies in public in PJ's, ratty and torn items, as well as any unkempt look. Maintaining your self-respect extends to how we dress and present ourselves to ourselves.
I will need to discard most of my at-home knit pants. They have been washed so much that the dark colors have gone shabby. While the items remain intact with no tears or seams fraying, they are really only good for painting walls and I no longer do that! Off they go.
Here is my current pattern collection that I plan to use. This is Style Arc Talia. I really like this one because it has pockets and the back waist elastic. This provides for a more custom fit. Made for a woven fabric, this would be a good choice for Spring/Summer in a lightweight fabric.
And this pattern, Style Arc Thea, has a paper bag waist. The style comes and goes in popularity. I tend to alter the amount of fabric that finishes above the elastic casing. It will be great in lightweight gauze, linen, and cotton blends.

- I have lots of plans, please understand that my pace is rather slow these days because I function depending on how I feel. I know that movement is essential but sometimes sitting at the machine for long periods does not work. Also, using the long arm is in spurts. Many spurts. 😐
- It seems that my bones are not good for the screws and plates that need to be used to stabilize my spinal issues. I will have to modify and learn to live with the discomfort and limitations. I'm working on it.
- I share this only because my projects seem to drag on forever. My quilting projects need to work along with the other sewing. I do what I can. I love to sew, embroider, quilt so it goes.
This little quilt, finished some time ago, is next on the long arm. I made this from scraps of jelly rolls, charm packs, and left over yardage. I'm not sure how I will quilt it but I will share that as well.