Flashback-February 2023 Edition


My computer files are enormous, some little chippie in there has been telling me I need to sort out some old stuff. Now I have to say that is not an easy task. It seems that for each post I remove, I find 10 more that I must keep. That is how the flashback concept arrived on my to do list. I decided that I would take a look and work with the nasty little bot who has done just about everything except call me a file hoarder. What would he know? He has no idea why my files are important, but I just can't be bothered to explain. As a result, I drop one now and then to shut him up. It's not like its illegal or anything, right? 

So here is the first in the series of old posts that deserve another look. The little Tuesday quilt group has shared more quilts and projects over the years that I know a rerun is well deserved. 

In December, 2014, The Ladies of the Cloth stood back to admire our second row quilt destined as a service project for the Three Rivers Quilt Guild. If I remember correctly, we chose our own colors and patterns, then member Rose assembled two quilts to combine all these different patterns and colors. Just look at how fantastic this quilt really is. 

Quilty friend, Betty Jane's quilt, 2016. This was a gift for her grandaughter, she was an avid reader, thus the book theme. Even the book spines are lettered.   

A sweet little bag, about the size of a wallet was shared by Terri. Such an original use of fabric and grommets. 

My passion for scrappy quilts never wanes. This quilt, by Rose, is one of my favorites from the Ladies. I love the design and the colors. I actually found a pattern for a quilt like this. I haven't made it yet but it is on the list!

Quilty friend, Mary Jane has always been a genius for using up bits and pieces and coming up with a beautiful little quilt. 

  • I am beavering away on my blue and yellow scrappy quilt. I need to finish trimming and then I will add the second border on each block. 
  • I hope to have enough energy to work on that tomorrow after a doctor visit. The medication to fight the osteoporosis makes me rather ill. We will have a chat about that.
  • Our weather (I'm not complaining, just stating a fact) has been unbelievable mild. 71 yesterday, this is mid-February, not Florida, Western Pennsylvania! My chives are growing in their little raised planter. Seriously, what's up with that?
  • One last comment I promise, are screenwriters no longer able to write or adapt a script without using the F-word? Seriously, trying to find something entertaining without foul language is now a crusade of mine. So far, all I seem to be doing is swimming the moat. Just when I think I have found something more cerebral than afternoon Jeopardy, wham, something in the murky water bites me right through my suit of armor. If this were a drinking game, I would be flat out on the floor. Have a nice day!
