January, it was bound to happen, you know, the white stuff. Just a bit, not as much as was predicted, just enough to blanket the lawns and woods, just enough to feel the need to make soup. Recipe below.
I don't make New Year resolutions anymore. Too depressing when I fail. Now, I call it intentions, there are no strings attached, there is no rule to break. The definition of intention is; a thing intended; an aim or plan. My intention was to not buy any more quilt fabric. And truly, in one specific arena I am not. Long story, will not bore you! Anyway, I have mentioned My Favorite Quilt Store, HERE a few times on this blog. Why? Because they are an amazing online retailer. Their fabric selection is quality, diverse, and their packaging and shipping are so good that I feel the need to recognize them. That said, in my email the other day they offered some outstanding Kaffe fabrics, kits, temptations. It doesn't take much for me to cave, and I did. The kit for this one is on the way, lots of fussy cutting. I am excited.
In the Polish tradition, Christmas Even is meatless and a family tradition. Husband's fraternal grandparents, first generation Americans, followed their old world traditions without fail. With 9 children, and their children, they hosted a house full of people. The cousins had such great memories. Our celebrations were certainly not on that scale, but I did host the Wigilia while my father-in-law was living. It was such a special occasion for him. Now, I prepare a much smaller sampling of the Wigilia feast and this is one of the offerings. I make this all year. You can substitute vegetable broth for the water, I do. If you want a little more depth to the broth base, in a non-vegetarian style, use chicken broth. Enjoy.

- with 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil, saute the chopped onions
- add the sliced mushrooms to the sauteed onions-I remove 1/4 cup of the mushrooms at this time and set aside
- after the mushrooms have softened, add 4 cups of water or broth, bring that to a low boil then reduce the heat to a medium heat.
- add grated carrots and potatoes, add 2 bay leaves, cook until they are softened
- add salt and pepper to taste
- for some this is the time to use an immersion blender or transfer the contents to a food processor or blender. I find this difficult and a potential burn in the making. If you do not have an immersion blender, a hand held potato masher will work as well.
- return the mushrooms set aside for serving, garnish with parsley and/or a dollop of sour cream
- Good News, Dear Son said he will build my kitchen cabinet. You know, the one that will occupy the little wall. Yippee. Husband still on the fence. He will get over it. Now the big hunt begins.
- I will sketch out the design for him. Then we will hit the big box stores first, he says he can customize to create what I want.
by William Henry Channing. "To live content with small means; to seek
elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be
worthy, not just respectable and wealthy, not rich; to listen to the stars
and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think
quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a
word to let the spiritual, unbidden - unconscious grow up through the
6 years ago I was still harvesting this peppery Spanish oregano from my garden! January was very warm that year too then wham, everything changed.