The Week Between the Years-Thursday

Caption: A photo of a dog walking through water at sunrise with pink and purple clouds reflected on the surface. (Local Guide @dbateser)

What inspires you? Are you able to choose one special gift or surprise from your holiday celebrations that stand out or you will cherish for days? My inspiration often comes from what I read. Right now the book I am reading has done that. It is a journal written by a man who owns a book shop in Scotland, review to follow. I really don't have a typical read. Sometimes it is a journal, like this one, sometimes a mystery, and often a Jane Austen. 

 My stand-out moment so far this season was the time spent with my son and his wife. Since our party was so small there were no distractions, no hopping up and down to serve. My plan for this day was much better, the preparations stretched out over days allowed me to actually enjoy the day. I am often caught up in everything that needs to be done but this time no. We laughed, we shared, we played with Lola. The memories of that afternoon will be keepers.

*not my space but a cozy idea, right?

DIL brought dinner, bless her, as well as a yummy blueberry cake for tea.

I am not really up to visiting today so I am substituting phone calls. This afternoon I will "touch base" with some old friends. As this week proceeds, I am reminded to work on my address list, start up my journal for next year, and I need to gather all my greeting cards and note cards into one place. Do you see a theme in my organizational skills? I have become rather lax with this collection. I have a nice file box, well two actually to accomplish this task. A friend reminded me how valuable a sympathy card was to her when her husband passed unexpectedly. He was young, healthy, a dynamic husband and father. Months after his passing she received cards with notes from old school friends and neighbors. It helped her recover. Since that time I have tried to be more cognizant of this basic etiquette skill. 

 A bright and snazzy quilt from the Three Rivers Quilt Guild show in 2015.

Well, that's all for today. Our weather is warming, the snow is melting, the sun wants to poke through the clouds but even great intent does not always equal success. Take care to pull some memories from the week to cherish in the long January days ahead.
