Isn't this beautiful? Inspirations magazine never ceases to amaze me. Such skill, such talent, all featured in this periodical. Since I recognized years ago that I do not, will likely never have the ability to create something like this, I cancelled my subscription but, Oh My. Here is a link to the current newsletter for your viewing, Inspirations Magazine.
On this very rainy, foggy morning, I have been scanning some of my books to find that inspiration. Cookbooks, embroidery books, crochet how-to's as well as sorting the patterns I prefer for a quick sew.
The simple Chef's apron from left over backing fabric was that project. I have simplified this one to the point of silly. After I cut out the basic pattern, cut the straps and ties, I press all the raw edges, use the cover stitch to secure them starting at the arm sides left and right, then the top seam, then down the long sides, then the hem. As I sew along, I tuck in the neck strap and the ties. Bingo, done. This one is a medium weight fabric and I didn't line it. When I add a pocket, which I usually do, I add it after all is done. Probably takes me about an hour, total. (*please excuse the mess, it is almost always like this.)
Somewhere along the way I picked up this "cartoonish" turkey panel. Since I hadn't used the Coronet for a long time, I decided to do some outline quilting on this piece for practice. I think I got this panel at a shop hop some years ago. You know what I mean, the shop is small, not doing much business so you pick up some little thing just to be nice? Anyway I layered this a did the quilting I planned but had no intention to actually finish it. It was incorrectly cut. The border edges were uneven and impossible to correct. So I finished it but I am thinking I will cut into the center frame area and make it a pillow or something. Not a waste. I did improve my outline quilting!
I picked up a nice little basil plant at the grocery and hopefully won't kill it before the week end. I really enjoy and grilled cheese sandwich with a slice of Colby jack, a tomato, and a few basil leaves. I add cooked bacon to husbands. A nice whole grain bread or rustic Italian slice makes it just right.
- Lola ran away from us yesterday to chase deer. A bit of a panic because our woods are dense and loaded with wildlife. She did finally listen after we climbed up the hill and offered her a car ride.
- Upon her return briars and ticks had to be dealt with. I picked 21 live ticks from her curls! Two of them escaped and crawled up my arm but husband got them before I became their host. This is getting really old.
- I did not sleep last night. I kept feeling ticks on my arms, my face, etc. I gave up and did some reading. The current selection is Godmersham Park, a novel of the Austen Family. My fascination with Jane Austen and her life continues.
I am about a fourth of the way into it and I am impressed with the ability of Gill Hornby to extract the information known about the family gleaned from letters and historical references and weave it into a novel.
- I need a nap after lunch, there are no ticks.
- Have a wonderful weekend, Thanksgiving is on the way!