This glorious display wall in the lobby of Phipps Conservatory is worth the price of admission alone! I have seen these, or mock-ups of similar installations, in magazines, catalogs, etc., but in person, wowsers, it is absolutely stunning. Behind the plants there are mounted tray-like rows where the plants have been installed to form this pattern. I am not sure how it is watered, I didn't see anything in hose or pipe form, I suspect it is hand watered every day. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Of course, the garden is a sentinel of the seasons for me. Like many, I live for the seasons, the sights, the sounds, the scents all provide a diversion and a creative stimulus.

To me, every day is Earth Day! But since today marks the world wide celebration I thought a little history may interest you. Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2022 will occur on Friday, April 22. The holiday is now a global celebration that's sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living and confronting the climate crisis. (*there is NO political influence in this statement, by the way!)
Just look at this display! Stunning colors and beautiful arrangements. This is in the room where the train display is situated from the Fall show until Easter.
Of course, the deer and turkeys are nibbling just about everything and there is a determined bird attempting to build a nest on my back porch rocking chair. That is just not going to work. I live in the woods for heaven's sake, there are a million trees here, nest there, please! Now I have to go scrub that chair, again, before I park there for my afternoon tea. It is supposed to warm up here, the sun is shining, the fog is burning off, and a warm weekend is predicted.
My calendar is so jammed for the next two weeks I will have little time to breathe let alone sew. The older I get the less I enjoy frantic times. I know, get over it, but I love to have a whole day to putter around, cook, sew, read, and play with Lola. Hopefully, these appointments will have positive outcomes.
I have been fighting a cold the last week, a tickle cough, sinus issues. I haven't even had a sniffle for 3 years, I have been very lucky. But, seriously, I hate not feeling well. Really.
- I have changed my mind about the project with that beautiful blue and yellow fabric, more on that another time. Now I have to unpin and remark all that fabric. Yippee!
- No progress on table runners. With Easter cooking and cleaning, time just slipped by.
- The best news of the week, my dear friend, my former room-mate has tolerated her extensive surgery and her pathology report was good. She can now look forward to the rest of her life. Prayer does work. She deserves so much more. She just needs to heal now and I am so grateful.
- More positive news. I broke down and bought myself something I have always wanted. I am a reader. I love to read cookbooks. (I am not alone in this passion) I bought myself the iconic Julia Child, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." I don't know why I waited so long! I have been experimenting, just the easy stuff please, and the results in tweaking the smallest component of a process are outstanding. Now, there will be no major cook offs here, I cannot stand that long! I have a bench seat that helps but it is not so comfy, I am on the search for an elevated chair that has a bit of padding.
This is a reproduction copy. I did research an original, worn, etc. but the cost was astronomical and it does not have the "updates" that Julia added in the 1983 edition that included; food processors, microwaves, non-stick skillets, and some other "tools" that we take for granted these days. If you have a chance to see the new HBO Max series, Julia, you will be inspired. Now, truth be told it does stray a bit from reality but it is very entertaining.
- My snowbird neighbors have returned, it is so nice to see lights on over there again.
- The other day, the breeder where Lola was born posted that she was letting-go of Lola's father, Finnegan. She readily admits it is a very difficult decision, but essential for her business. He is the smartest dog she has ever had and he is a sweetheart. He is getting a bit "Chonky" since he has been neutered, but even more loving than before. In one minute I would take him, well then I considered the exercise needs of this big boy, the grooming costs, (Mama Mia!) and the potential of jealousy with Lola. I had to pass. It killed me a bit, if I were a bit younger, no question. He is going to a good home, someone who can handle him and give him a good life.
- Well, bills to pay, a disaster of a closet to be sorted, and vegetables to prepare, have a lovely week-end, take some time to absorb the beauty of the season, no matter where you are.