The first Amaryllis to bloom was this pink one. It had started to sprout right out of the box before it was even in the planting medium. Stunning, 3 blooms, 3 days and then kaput! Just like that. Then it started to grow green leaves of some sort. They are still going, about 26 inches tall, staked and banded now in the laundry room window. I am watching. Who would think something so beautiful came from this?
And here is Big Red, well that's what I called her. 6 huge blooms on one stem!
On the sewing front I added a magnifier to Destiny. When doing applique, I've noticed that I am having some trouble seeing stitches on the curves, I lean over, after a bit my back really aches. So, this is on trial. It has 2 lenses that flip up and out of the way if you wish.

On the top left there is a little metal hook on the arm that sits right into a hole on top of the machine. Easily removed. I just changed my eyeglasses but it didn't help some now I am into magnifiers!
Keeping true to my promise to myself I am sorting out the collections. This is a portion of the Pyrex that is going to a new home, a fellow collector I met at a sewing event. Birds of a feather you know.
- We have been binge watching the old Thin Man series with Dick Powell and Myrna Loy. My word, she was a beautiful woman. A bit corny in premise but the clothes, fantastic!
- We have our first measurable snowfall today. It is 17 degrees. Pretty, yes. B-u-t- I am not a cold weather person. News to no one!
- Yesterday was National Bean Soup Day. I know, who knew? We had my Rustic White Bean with Mini Meatballs. Recipe HERE, on Kitchen Chronicles.