A Cross-Stitch Re-Run, Pears!


 A Flashback Post today Stitching Friends. I was scanning my older posts and came across this one. I started another Pear recently and wanted to bring that opportunity to you. This project, this design, is from 2015! Blogger and stitcher extraordinaire, Marly, is a reader here and graciously permitted me to share these at that time. It is snowing like crazy here since yesterday. I am estimating about 9 inches now and it is supposed to continue until about 1 pm. Yikes. I am not sure if our funeral tomorrow will be postponed or not at that time so I am trying to keep busy.  That said, consider a "little" project for January, there are hearts, shamrocks, flags, and fun on her website. Stay warm and healthy.

The Perfectly Precious Pears Project-2015

I recently mentioned that I had a New project to start in January 2015. Actually there are two but this is the one that involves a needle and thread. 

Not long ago on a blog not that far away Mrs. Sewtopia found a kindred spirit of sorts. This particularly talented blogger, Marly, is a Sampler Stitcher extraordinaire. Her work is reminiscent of days gone by when school girls made samplers to hone their stitching skills. As they grew,  the school girls became ladies and their skills improved accordingly.   Marly's blog, Samplers and Santa's chronicles her projects and her process as well as offering real life glimpses of her life and family.

How cute are these?
Enter the Pears! I am smitten I tell you. I have always felt that the Pear was a regal type of fruit. Their shape, their colors, the variations of texture. So I am totally drawn to translating my love of the fruit into needlework. A nice little portable project, one a month, will suit my stitching life.

I am sharing this little project and its passion for me so that you might consider joining this stitch-along. I  know we are essentially quilters here but don't you just want to branch out a bit now and then? For many years I was a happy cross-stitcher but have not done much in the last 15 years. This is my re-entry project.

I plan to mine the storage drawers (yes, I have a drawer that still holds linen, Aida cloth hoops etc.) to pull the needed supplies for the month of January. I will share my progress and glitches along the way. At the end of the each month I hope to have a little Pear to prop on the mantel or shelf. I am excited. You may want to check your supplies as well, might be a good time to make a little Christmas list so that people who gift you may contribute!   Think perky little embroidery scissors, a nice hoop, an assortment of floss and/or threads, a nice little collection of good needles. Just saying:)https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi8MPBlIs42NpP_hoAXnCDMiKfGOyDdcdvSDFCSvd56Q-vwpJvMHaety-_rqaPaWP1EitBhNr-tqhwfM2SZpH_ZUTeH2nKvNHQxfAPiLhguXtBY8qCo2h-l-fUO0_0yO3TMeeM3yOJIyrVt/s1600/Sampler+Pear+I.jpg

Please be aware that I have communicated with Marly, the blog owner, and have received her permission to use her patterns and publish photo's. She shares her designs for no cost. Thank you Marly. 

