Sometimes I think we have lost so much in our casual and enlightened culture. An ordered home without electronics taking center stage, a formal setting for meals with no pizza boxes littering flat surfaces, a floral centerpiece gathered from our gardens, and an impeccably groomed and fashioned lady of the house.
My spaces are trimmed with large televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones. The efforts of comfortable and welcoming decor are lost in the blue light glare of the electronic screens. While I cook everyday, I have recently taken to not always laying a charming table, my table linens are mostly easy to wash, simple to dry, and rarely need ironed. My fussy linens are stored away, not being used like they used to be. When the rare pizza box arrives, I feel pangs of guilt, almost like I am betraying my beliefs. And no, I do not dress for dinner. If I have been "out" and dressed beyond jeans and shirts, it is mostly by accident, not intention. I am always in an apron, I tend to spill, drop, spatter when I cook and I need pockets. Not the vision as above!
I suppose this mid-month melancholy, the near end of Summer, and lack of creative steam has taken its toll. I often used to wonder how that could happen to anyone. I still don't know, but I know how it feels. I am sure the ongoing limitations of the pandemic have contributed while viewing sad and stressful video on offensive televisions that reminds me daily that this is not over. Not for me, not for anyone. Planning for Fall decor always provides great distraction, walking in the woods, gathering branches, berries, pine cones.
It's time to bring out the heavier weight quilts, fluff them, air them, refold them, and plan for where they will spend the long Winter. I call this color Granny Smith Green, originally named by someone else, but I totally agree!
So let us take the last weeks of the season to choose a calming view, and carry our tea out to view the ripening fruit, the squirrels gathering for the Winter ahead, while absorbing the slanting beams of sunshine.
I have a dear friend who is quite sick right now, waiting for the results of her Covid test. She is vaccinated, she has followed all the rules, she doesn't deserve this. No one does.
Back to creativity, nature, colors, like-minded friends help me along.
Apple season is coming. A favorite time of year for me, the colors of ripened apples are glorious. To simplify our lives and savor those little things that recall wonderful memories or create new ones is my goal. To secure the haven's of our lives, those places where we are safe, happy, and doing our best. This is the life I seek, and always have.