Monday This and That

I am getting ready for the Fall decorating. Not too much, but it is my favorite time to decorate. The colors, the contrasts, the "nesting" urge. I made this in a class a few years ago. One more time I think, it goes in the studio. 

 So sorry for the gap in posting, I was a little under the weather last week. Now much better. That said, I wanted to make this post a this-and-that. My quilting has suffered this Summer for sure. When the sun is shining, I just cannot seem to concentrate, it's a good thing I live in a climate where it is mostly not sunny, I would never finish anything!

Ahh, the 9 patch project. Quilty friend Rose, assembled this disparate group of blocks, we need to add to this. Soon. It is rather difficult to mix modern theme fabrics (mine) with traditional fabrics. I need to see if I have any more of this fabric to blend in here. 

My roses have struggled a bit this year, not sure why. This bush has been producing only a fraction of the flowers it usually does. I think nearby plantings have threatened it in some way. Soon I'll be clearing that area and banking some mulch to protect the roots. 

The famous broccoli salad, an adaptation of Deb Pearlman's recipe. I have made this so many times, often a tweak here and there. Recipe to follow soon. 

Flowers for the Sunday table. 

This tool, the little Gripper, is great for holding smaller rulers. Most of my rulers are older and are not the new fancy ones with tacky backs that do not slip on the fabric, this little tool is a small investment rather than replacing all the rulers! It is a safer alternative for arthritic hands.
  • Enjoy the last days of August, I cannot believe Summer is in the rear view mirror!
  • My living room furniture arrives tomorrow! I've been waiting since last November. I checked with another retailer about a chair I have been wanting....End of May 2022! Really. I don't need it.
  • This week is a long awaited gathering of old school friends. Even though most of us live within an hour or two, several are flying in, for lunch. We have all remained close after all these years. We graduated from nursing school in 1969. So much has happened, so many memories. It will be good. 
  • Be well, be kind, be hopeful.
