I have come to a conclusion. You are either a wall paper person, or you are not! I am, he isn't. I did win the battle years ago in a tiny hall bathroom, it is still there. It needs to be removed and replaced. What a job. So, I have been scanning the webs for updated styles. This collection is Laura Ashley, on sale 30% off! I am torn between two styles. One, the dark little jewel box interpretation or the neutral appeal to anyone type. I have no idea where I am going with this even though these papers really are coming close. I hear and read that wallpapers are returning to favor while "shiplap" is going down!
So where to start when considering a major project for our home? I have studied design and decor books and magazines forever. At one time I was offered professional discount rates because I bought so many books! I had to explain it was just curiosity and study, I am a maker, not a professional. I have knocked down walls (in my head) I have added rooms (in my head) I have replaced all my furniture. Not in my head. I like to consider the space, the size and the function. I keep a binder where I gather tear sheets from magazines, paint chips, wall paper samples, brochures from manufacturers. I have notes and measurements, budget and professional resources that I trust. It is a good practice for me. Most never come to fruition, but my wee brain is engaged, planning and ready when the project is ready to begin. I keep notes, and receipts, references and alternate possibilities. That has become essential during the pandemic with supply chain issues. I recently had to cancel plan A and resort to plan B. It was not an easy decision.
I am sort of keen on the blues. That peacock paper, with the blue paneling below. My concern is, will I tire of it in 6 months?
The living room re-do is in progress. The furniture I ordered had been delayed 9 months then I was informed that there would be additional delays, likely another 2-4 months. I debated and eventually rejected that. The retailer did refund my money, without pause, but with a bit of a snark. I did manage to find my second choice at another retailer. The colorway is totally different, the design is totally different but I am certain that my type of planning was important and essential to see the project to completion. I inherited some lovely Queen Anne cherry tables when my MIL passed. They work well in the space and will be just fine with the new sofa. The curio's in there will remain, they are also within that style genre. The chairs are my compromise, I can live with them, I will add something to make them more compatible. Husband is a recliner type of guy. Sometimes, compromise is essential. Delivery is scheduled in two weeks, we will see. Something always seems to complicate the process!
My current conclusion for the little bathroom (it is off the entrance hall) is to think on it, continue to build my mood board, do a bit of shopping. Now, of course, this sale will be over and shipping from the UK is astronomical. A work in progress in Sewtopia, as usual. Of course, I was the one who said no more big projects, I lied.😁