August: Show and Share by the Ladies!


 A yellow rose after several Thunder storms yesterday. A little bruised but still glorious. Summer flowers, gardens in full bloom, such a treat. Even though our pandemic status is changing here, there is still beauty in nature. Each season a blessing and of course, I live by the season changes. 

A few weeks ago, at a Ladies of the Cloth gathering, Terri shared a sweet little book she made using a waxed thread. Just look at those intricate designs!  


A little more show and share from Terri, this little bag for a gift. Wow, so love these colors. These little cross bodies are perfect these days. Enough room to carry your phone, wallet, lipstick, and keys you can keep your hands free, avoid the shopping cart touching your purse and looking darn trendy in the process! Just look at that beautiful lining!

Now lets talk about "Be Still my Heart" (my name for this cute little baby quilt) by Linda Sue! She is becoming queen of the baby quilts around here.

I didn't see the heart at first with a close up but as I stepped back the defined heart appeared!

And last but not least for today is this fantastic little number by Mary Jane. She has declared that she is keeping this one for herself! That might be a first.

Constructed from her bits and pieces of stash fabrics, this cutie will keep her nice and warm in the months to come!
  • Our gatherings have resumed twice per month and I think it is working out well.
  • Other attendees were working on various projects and using this time to prepare items for projects in queue. 
  • As always, stay well, stitch on, be happy!
