A Dreamy Tuesday Tea

 Lilacs, such amazing little flowers. Spring isn't Spring without them. Lilac time is also tea time.

  • I could not resist sharing this beautiful setting from Aiken House and Gardens. Carolyn provides such enchanting vignettes. These lilacs are stunning, aren't they?
  • I am seeing Christmas ads and sales, oh my, there should be a law!
  • Our blueberries are at their peak, getting them before the birds has become an Olympic style sport. I am not kidding, the little darlings will dart right at your head for their share of the berries.
  • This week my Prince (E)lsenberg clock  (history HERE) will be returned to the wall. It has been out for 2 months for cleaning and repair. Made in the Amana Colonies in Iowa,  I ordered this in 1982. It has very special meaning.  Mine is no longer made. Photo soon, I hope.
  • https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEik7wYfJo1BPlab-sTUJwgZ6iKNObsSH0MTAmgb0Wm61ZUbH-ZNXE2ukIA1YBpVERphEhC8Yci8YmQlO-uzSPAqqzbb80rYpfmrYtcgFqioyMxeUGNPuL8BOK9d6I2PgG_G1uybuHSBad2q/s2048/lilacs+21+Recently+Updated496.jpg
