I am at that "life-stage" where I tell the kids, no gifts for birthdays, holidays, etc. But I am a swooner for certain plants. This Mother's Day a glorious hydrangea came to stay. Since the deer have decimated much of my plants it seems to be a constant job of trimming, replanting, and reconsidering what will work and what will not. I am passionate about Lilac, the ones I have are up on the big hill, getting strangled by vines because I no longer go up there. The wildlife, including coyote, have taken over. However, the Hydrangea have survived close to the house. Since I cannot upload a photo of the new one I am substituting this photo, a dream garden!
How is your Spring coming along? If you are like us, in Western Pa., we have an interesting season. We have had more beautiful blooms and blossoms this year than we have for decades. They have lasted longer than I can remember for decades.
We have had lots of rain, some hail, even some snow! Yes, it keeps us awake and alert. This little pooch has his window on the world!
- Today I need to scout out some Vintage roses at MIL's house. One is from her mother, the other from husband's grandmother. They have survived over 100 years, several transplants, and will be moved one more time. Right now they are looking rather frail, but hopefully a clean pruning will bring them back to their hardy selves.
- Unlike many, I have not planted anything in the soil yet. We still have a threat of frost this week. Next week, look out, I am in the dirt!
- I have been sorting through the decorator fabric to make some new pillows and such for the porches. Right now black and white buffalo check is very popular but I am going another direction. Update when I have something to show. The patriotic projects are in process right now, I have re-scanned both computes, updated all the drivers, and yet, still there are problems. Eeek!
- May your window on the world be a pleasant one. Toodles.
photo's from Cottage Living