On April 21st our dear friend and quilt group leader Kay earned her angel wings. A warm and generous lady, Kay was a superb quilter. She had been with the original group from the beginning when the meetings were held in their homes. Years later she secured space in her church for the group as it grew. Our name evolved over time because quilters, like many who perform crafts and art with a needle, to Ladies of the Cloth. In the last two years her health had become complicated and soon she was unable to attend our weekly gatherings. The last time I spoke with her she was resting, telling me she was so tired and couldn't stitch anymore. It has been some time since she sat with us and shared our lives.
Ever the consummate hostess, here she is posing with her husband, Mickey. When she could no longer drive safely, he would bring her to our gatherings, guiding her by the elbow to help her find her way.