Spending time in our sewing spaces, our studio, our kitchen table with a nice little machine is one of the most engrossing activities that we, as stitchers, can have. There are several online groups entirely dedicated to our spaces. Making them happy and pretty can be an ongoing process. There always seems to be more stuff than space! For example, I like to gather all my threads before I hoop my fabric when doing machine embroidery. That, all by itself, can be time consuming because I often do not have the specific thread used in the original design and I need to do some comparisons. It is fun but I do lose track of time. Fun does that.
While scanning my messages I saw this cutie and just had to share. Our Sewing spaces are special, right? I am sure you have seen all the photo's of these stunning spaces with the perfect theme decor. However, just try to find something like that for your space, you know? She was looking for a cute clock for her room and look what she made! A plain and simple battery powered clock and a bit of hot glue and some buttons, too cute not to copy. Thank you to La Fern Fisher!
- The other day, Lola got away from her Dad and proceeded to roll about in the mud and briars. I have never, and I mean never, been so vexed with the condition of an animal. In all those little white curls there were clumps of mud and all sorts of velcro-like weeds. It was a disaster. I removed the briars one at a time mostly by pulling them out of her face and ears and feet and tail. Her pink little belly was all scratched and red. She was quite peeved at me, could not understand what she did wrong. Her Father did. He continues to apologize. A small fortune later her groomer came to the rescue in her big white van. As soon as Lola saw her pull into the driveway, she knew that things were going to change and now she is white, trimmed, pleasant smelling and happy. Me too.
- I am having some issues with the painted kitchen cabinets. NO PROBLEM says the contractor, we will do them all over again, just totally empty the kitchen and we will be there next week. NO, that will not happen. I will not empty 17 cabinets of their dishes. I will certainly not do that during Easter week. We are going to have a chat we are. Yes, I am drawing a line here. I am too old and arthritic to do that again. More on that later.
- We had a warm sunny day yesterday, a cold sunny day today, supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow. Typical WPa. March.
