The Days Ahead, Spring Ahead on Sunday the 14th!

 No photo description available.Well, St. Valentines Day has come and gone, I hope yours provided the memories you hoped for. I remember I used to wish for peace and quiet, a nice dinner that I didn't have to cook, and spirit that anxiously waited for Spring. One of the first projects was sorting books. Through the weeks my cook books, quilting books, etc. get all mixed up. A little pile here, another know what I mean?

Now, I want noise, a crowded room where people are laughing and singing...and healthy. I would like a break from cooking but even that is not so important. While Spring cannot come soon enough, I am still searching for  inspiration, motivation, and the will to find it. 

I recently read an interesting post from a blogger based in the UK. She hadn't surfaced much over the last year but things have been pretty tricky in London for a long time. We are coming upon one year of lock down and it has changed our lives. During that isolated time I have been sorting and pulling fabrics. This collection is not quite complete but now it is all in one place.


The strength of our character has been tested. The generosity of strangers has protected the vulnerable. Most of us now appreciate the little things. We know our families better, well at least those within our pod. If I hear virtual anything one more time I may need to scream or bite a wooden stick.

I started my Spring/Lenten cleaning on Ash Wednesday. It is a ritual, it provides a framework for a needed task. It has a cleansing sort of catharsis for the soul in preparation for the Easter celebration. Easter is my favorite holiday. The traditional foods, family celebrating our history and preparing for the life and times ahead. In spite of this year of isolation I will emerge, Covid or not, and begin my new year. The Easter decorations will come out this year. I am taking it all step by step, not to be deterred, not to be antagonized by the hate that seems to fuel our world. I will put my trust, my faith, my hope into the mysteries that fuel the Christian heart.    

I must add that is taking me a bit longer to do the same tasks this year. Ha! Wonder why? 

My dear little Shamrocks have survived another year on the shelf in the laundry room but I have to say, they are looking rather shabby. Soon, they will get to go out to the front porch where they are most happy. 

This pic is a couple years old, the quilt is my "Jumble Quilt"  made from a collection of left over charm squares and strips of this and that. One of my favorites I think. It was a fun quilt to make and to quilt. 

 Here is a little flashback for you, a Bandstand special, Lollipop, By the Chordettes, HERE! Followed by Mr. Sandman!

