International Women's Day, How Would You Describe Yourself?

May be an image of animal and outdoors  From Avery Hill Farm, Good Morning from Obadiah and Jethro. In their overwhelming cuteness, they are sending up kudo's to all the Women who have lived and survived their challenges, they are strong in the face of adversity, and beyond all they are

more than strong women. Dreaming of warm weather and Summer celebrations here.

I thought today might be a good day to ask myself a question. At the end of my days, what three descriptors would I want carved on my tombstone so that future persons would "know" me, just three words. This came to me during a sleepless period last night after watching a thought provoking Netflix program about life in Jerusalem for Hasidic Jews today. I should not watch or read anything prior to sleep time. I may need to go back to needlework! This show is broadcast all over the world, the language is 99% Yiddish, English subtitles. I have learned much of the culture, appreciate the tradition of this sect and I have learned much about Biblical reference that was unknown to me. But, what has most interested me is the amazing strength and position of the Hasidic women. There are lessons here.

What the popularity of 'Shtisel' tells us about Judaism's non-Orthodox  majority | The Times of Israel

I still have not decided what I would want, Mother, of course, is and has been my most important role in this life. Nurse, also important. As a nurse, a person is always immersed in the attempt to "fix" every condition. It is a life-long profession, sometimes life affirming, sometimes life overwhelming. That said, that title is on the short list because it does describe me. It is the third element that has me in a quandary.  As one who enjoys needlework of all kinds, I am not sure that is an accurate definition. Animal lover, oh yes. I am working on it. Think about it, consider your options. Is there a descriptor that you would like to embrace that is not now part of who you are? Again, thinking about it.  

  • As an aside, my tombstone is already installed. All we need is a closing date. Don't laugh, I like to be prepared. 
  • In nursing school one of the best places to study was the large cemetary next door to the hospital. The grounds are beautiful, the crypts and stones are works of art. Some of the stones date back 200 years. A perfect place for meditation, it was an escape for us, quiet, comforting in its own way. 
  • A dear friend passed away this week-end, maybe that is why I am being so introspective. That combined with all the publicity of International Women's Day sort makes an interesting mix, doesn't it? 
