Golly, a week has passed and I have no idea where it went! Did you ever notice that? We have had a few warmer days so I have been outside, making lists of what needs done and what I need to pass on to a helper. I am hoping our young helper has not outgrown his need to earn some money for some yard work. He is a good kid. God love him, he had the virus but has recovered.
MIL learned to sew from her Mother. She was accomplished, but impatient. We would often talk about how many "outfits" she had cut out, started, never finished. This was her first official sewing book, part of a set of encyclopedias. It's pages are somewhat yellowed now but it is a great read and the techniques are good and solid couture style. French seams, essential finishing style of the time, when domestic sergers were no where in sight.
I didn't have a book, I just read the pattern instructions. At that time, in the late 1950's, pattern instructions were written by people who actually sewed and the garments were tested and actually sewn. Now, if you see a "sketch" of a piece of clothing in the pattern book or on the pattern envelope, know that it was likely never sewn. That is why there is no picture. Now, "technical writers" produce the instructions, people who likely have never sewn a button. A sad state of affairs. Today, fortunately, we have a wealth of great books and periodicals that help with instructions and techniques.
This is the book that started the current trend to make quality clothing and limit foreign factory made disposable clothing. Thank Gretchen Hirsch. Here is a link to the blog that started it all, HERE!
- I am in the midst of cleaning one of the curio's that hold some tea cup, family heirloom china, and some special vases. My word, how does the dust get in there?
- The Spring clean is coming along so not much sewing is getting done. There's a surprise.
- Off to get Pfizer #2, I am hoping to not be ill afterward.We will see, it is still a small price to pay to not get the virus.
Steve Gully Band and Buck Dancing, Got My Second Shot! *watch till the end, you will love the clogger!