Another This and That Post, Because There is NOT much of This or That!

 purple moth orchids in close up photography

Happy Saturday, I hope the Sun is shining where you are and birdsong fills the air. Spring is slowly coming and I could not be happier. I have been fully vaccinated but remain very careful.  A dear friend is working at one of the vaccination centers and has been telling me about how many people have survived the virus and have waited their turn to be inoculated. Some have dreadful ongoing medical problems. This is not over, we must use some common sense to remain healthy. 

On that note, I have been doing most of my shopping via internet. A local fabric/machine retailer has online classes teaching us how to use so many of the enhancement already built into those pricey machines we have. This is a blessing. I am learning things I did not even consider. There is a "shopping" experience included now and then. I have been good but I did pick up a cute table runner quilt kit she offered last week. I will share when it comes. It is one of those quick and easy patterns that I seem to prefer these days. If you are interested I will share the information about that shop via email. 
 No photo description available.This piece is Plum Street Samplers. The Ribbon finish is a bit different but cute for hanging on a drawer knob, peg, or from a another piece. 

The littles, called "tucks" in the cross-stitch world are so darn cute. Quick, fun, almost instant gratification. I just spent some time going over some important issues with a family member. You know, that subject that everyone avoids, where the "papers" are, where the property deeds are and all that stuff.  

Antique French Embroidery, currently for sale, $410.00 US. Why post this, because. Your work has value, maybe not to your children now, but in the future a very perceptive person will look at something like this and be thrilled. 

  • In my 6 week quest to prepare for the Holidays, I have been absent, sorry about that. I just can't seem to multitask these days. I have one more room to finish before Saturday, and that will be that. 
  • It has been a week of missteps. I invested in a new, sparkly, mandolin for shredding cabbage for making sauerkraut. It is total crap for cutting vegetables but my finger, not willingly, gave up a bit of blood for the cause. I was putting the blade guard on to return the darn thing and it bit me, right on the end of my index finger. There went the salad too I might add. 
  • I brought my small floor steamer in to do the usual kitchen clean (and get the blood out of the grout) and the darn thing only heated to lukewarm. Not cleaning with that thing, tossed it too. I have only used it a few times because I really like the industrial one. Even though it is heavy and cumbersome,  it cleans. So, back down the steps for the big girl.
  • I found a glorious Polish Pottery fermenting crock, a considerable size. Photo's soon. I will be crocking after the Easter Holidays. 
  • In my heart I knew it was coming. There was a whiny, clunking noise every time the furnace came on. Well, now we find the furnace and AC will need to be replaced at the end of April. Apparently, there is a big demand this time of the year. Better now than on a frigid day next December, right? I thought construction was done.
  •  So, that gives me the spark to sort out the laundry room. It is a dreaded task this one. But the next project on my list. 
  • And I am going to try to start a regular posting schedule soon. There was a time when I did have a semi-structured schedule. Then I was able to share work done by my quilty friends. With the pandemic everything is sort of upside down. I need some structure.
  • Words of Wisdom from You Tube Cook, Brenda Gantt, plus a cheese ball recipe, HERE!
Setting up for a little tea party. Toodles, stay well.
