A stronger person would take her tea cup out to the porch and brave the wind, the snow, the cold. That is not me. I am longing for warm weather. I mean really getting antsy! I suspect I am not alone so this first tea of February 2021 is just a vision. Comfy well used and frequently washed quilts cushioning the chair, just picked fragrant peony and roses, and a beautiful Rose china pot and delicate little cup. (photo from Aiken House and Garden blog)
A nice little break from a busy day. It is bread making day and a special cake for Dear Son for leaving work early (1 hour away) and plowing the driveway because 6 inches of the white stuff has already fallen.
In a bit I will head to the studio to work on what I am calling the "Hearts Content" quilt. It is a really easy, mindless stitch, in my favorite colors and patterns for me. This one I will keep. I have had the fabric for about 5 years, it was calling me.
- Have you ever had a needle work project that was too small for your hoop? Well, Mary Corbet has the answer for you. Check this and other videos that help solve your needlework dilemas HERE!
- If you like to make edgy garments, I
suspect you know Louise Cutting. Well, she now has added some new patterns to the core wardrobe project. She calls it The Third Piece. This is a paper pattern, not a download, on sale, HERE.
Louise writes some of the best construction directions in the industry, don't let the multiple design lines fool you. It is doable.