We have had a bit of snow. Well, more than a bit, my current "on the patio" toll is around 12 inches. I know, enough is enough.
First, let me apologize for the lapse. I usually announce when I am taking a little break but this time I forgot. So much going on, sometimes we just take a little vacation the mind. It was needed, it was good. But now, back to the real world.
When I saw this posted in my Madam Sew Facebook Group I was reminded of making "Sitter-Downs" in Girl Scouts. My Mother was the leader, I was still a Brownie, had not yet flown up but was privileged to participate in the crafts. We
often took rigorous hikes, had picnics, and crafts in the lawn area of
the camp and we needed a dry sitting space. Enter plain old newspapers.
They were abundant in those days! We folded the papers into strips about
2 inches wide and wove them in and out making a nice little pad. The
ends were folded into the weaving of the adjacent strip. Bingo, a Sitter-Down!
Meshwork, using strips of fabric these pieces can be fashioned into many things from book covers, to wallets and purses, and even decorative accents like pillows. Beautiful examples.
- I can't find the book illustrated in her photos, on the face the title is in English and Japanese and it is called Mesh Work.
- A You Tube Video, named Kaliedoscope
- Meet Mr. Domestic, fabric weaver