The Brightside, Happy Thanksgiving

 Dear Friends, I wanted to let you all know that I will be taking some time off. With the holiday upon us we all have some adjustments this year to remain thankful, positive, and healthy. I need some time to rest a bit, consider my path forward, and mourn the passing of three friends, in the last few days. None from Covid. How comforting to know that they each are now past the pain. For that, I am thankful. 

When and if you are out and about, remember to distance, wear your mask and wash hands religiously. Smiling these days is relegated to twinkling eyes above a mask of some sort! Practice if you will, in front of a mirror, to see if your expression brightens when you smile behind your mask.

Happy Thanksgiving in whatever way you choose to celebrate. See you after the Holiday!


marly said…
I'm so sorry to read about your losses.