Hand Embroideries, Pincushions, Flowers and Tarts!

December First, how did that happen? This year, well, this year has been a real mix-up, hasn't it? Soon as we turn the calendar page again, 2021 will begin and we can hope for a better future. As people who stitch, I think we have been more fortunate than those who do not have hobbies. Hold on to that for a while longer.

And we're back! Lola and I just returned from a Wiff and Sniff walk. What is that you ask? Well, in a recent read about dog behavior, the author stressed how important it is for our dogs to have time just to sniff around. Old smells, new smells, all smells. It expands their knowledge of the world around them as well as enhance their inherent skills. It also makes them happy. Who knew? So happy that they often need a nap after that walk, and to me dear friends, getting that puppy down to take a nap is like a gift. We all need her to nap now and then. There are two ways of looking at this. Old people, very active dog keeps old people moving. The second thought is, often, what were we thinking? 

You all know how passionate I am about the Phipps Conservatory, supporting it's work, maintaining the Victorian structure, as well as immersing myself in the seasonal presentations. I actually donned Le Masque and headed into Oakland to watch the set up of some of the exhibits for the Christmas show. So many people working in tandem with drawings and templates mounted in the walkways for guidance. Many of the ponds and streams were drained so that the exhibits could be erected. I had already reserved my opening day tickets, and with great anticipation, I waited. 

Well, then the darn Covid 19 numbers started to rise, then climb, then reach a new peak. For someone with co-morbids, that meant no-go. I released my tickets and cleaned the under-the-sink cupboard. How's that for a thrilling day?

Later on, I took some time to re-visit some blogs I had not read for a while. Wow, so many people have been so productive during this pandemic. Bully for them! I was surprised as well to see several die-hard ladies who had not monetized for years, now had multiple ads, banners, and pop-ups blocking text and photo's, going to off-site videos, etc. While I fully understand that during this precarious time it was likely necessary for some, it will not happen here. Just saying. I cannot abide trying to read and be constantly bumped around by advertisements. So, bye bye to those blogs. Sad in some ways, but, there you have it.

I also made a rustic little apple tart. I will get that recipe up on Kitchen Chronicles soon, I want to test one more time. I have several news posts over there by request, mostly from young home makers, who are new to the stay-at-home and cook way of life. They are searching for a plan, something to guide them in their skills and teach them how to cook wisely. If you are interested, click HERE!

I am sure that I have introduced my e-friend Jenny in the past. A lovely and compassionate woman, Jenny shares so many ideas on her blog and in her newsletters that One could spend all stitching time just working on her projects! Her forte is hand embroidery. Always kind and often scriptural in nature, I see much of her work as a possibility for a special project for a special friend. This one is a sampler of sorts, click HERE to visit her blog. 



 In this Nov. 24th post she shows how she uses orphan blocks to make little pillows.

Am I the only one who is always looking for a new way to perch a pincushion? Look at this one! This quilter is beyond talented and share all kinds of great ideas HERE!

