A Virtual Craft and Skills Show & HYMNE À L'AMOUR - Paris Tour Eiffel

Ah, the creative spirit. One thing for sure, if you are a "maker" you are likely managing the limitations of this pandemic better than many. Over and over, my favorite bloggers have emphasized how creative they have become and many commenters to their posts say they have rediscovered knitting, crochet, quilting etc. I even know someone sewing new silk panties! 

Mary Corbet is one of those supremely talented embroiders who shares a mixture of skills on her blog, HERE. Descriptions and schedule for the event, HERE!  I am sharing a link to her post today because she listed a great Virtual Craft Show that you can watch as well. Videos, classes, sharing, all from the UK. I wanted to give you time to read the post and see if anything there might interest you. As we try to normalize our lives as much as possible, learning is essential. Do not stagnate! 

Women's fashion wild printed crossbody bag

Look at this cute little bag! It was advertised in one of those unbearably annoying sidebar ads and I have heard, from several sources, that what you see in many of these ads is not what you get. Lots of imitations and poor quality merchandise out there. Often, they will show you a photo of the original but what you receive is a shoddy copy. Therefore, here is a photo of that, don't even remember the merchant. But I did the customer reviews and there were all bad. Really. So if you have a bit of talent say with a punch needle, applique, quilting etc. you can make your own copy.  The strapping and findings are available at Joann's.  

I have been exploring new classical music venues. I am a so excited to see how much is now available on line for your listening pleasure, without cost. If you want the album, many are available as downloads or CD's. I am a CD person and have several new ones in the collection. Good background music is a balance for my life. 

This link will take you to the amazing sound of  Gautier Capucon. Never a better cello sound! Paris by Music, Hymne A L'Amour!

  • I am weary of the term "virtual." 
  • I must go now to empty my fridge and freezer, thankfully, it is cold on my back porch, all will be well. You just never know in Pa. One day freeze, the next turn on the AC!
  • I met some very nice people today, one just polite, in a car, another at an office. It seems the edginess has lessened in the public. 


marly said…
Thank you for the link to this wonderful performance.

As for the silk panties, that's a lot of silk. Mary's site has always been a reference and I am grateful she shares.