A This and That

Inspirations Magazine is truly one of the most inspiring publications available. Full of needlework and profiles of the stitchers, each issue provides a nice cross-section of the embroidery community from around the world. I never cease to be amazed at the needlework talent displayed.
Interested? Take a look at this week's newsletter and the profiles of the stitchers who discuss how they work. One project at a time? Or multiple projects kitted up to work on a bit at a time? HERE!
  • August is almost in the rear-view mirror. I cannot understand how that happened!
  • I am going to unearth some Fall decor this weekend. Since we are stuck at home, might as well decorate.
  • Big changes here, Mondo has gone to a new home. It was a decision not taken lightly. A retired Air Force veteran plans to travel the country. My best to him and his family. 
  • Have a creative weekend, it is a good thing.
