Why Did The...........................

Firefly Pictures, Photos, Firefly Images | Videos of Fireflies and ...

Well, well, well! The first day of Summer, my word how did that happen? As these months of isolation drag on and on I have ventured out, just a couple times. I am careful, only seeing those I know are well as am I. This is getting old. Lola and I have been thoroughly enjoying our morning walks. Warm but slightly chill air that does not require a jacket, occasionally a bit of fog as well. We listen to our dueling owls. It is so funny. One is usually up in the woods, near our tool shed an the other near the barn on the other side of the property. They hoot back and forth, often with an apparent time-lapse that reminds me of a prelude. A prelude to the day.  

Last night on our last walk of the day, there was still some shadow light about 9:30 PM. I looked up and I was absolutely gobsmacked! The entire sky, trees, underbrush...all lit with fireflies! It was magical. Now that was the perfect introduction to Summer!
Image may contain: tree, plant, shoes, outdoor and nature
I couldn't help it, just too darn cute!

  • I've been a bit of a dud on the needlework scene. I have done a lot of cleaning, reorganizing, and shedding of miscellaneous items from small appliances to outdated dry goods. 
  • I have not yet decided what to do about the kitchen. It has caused much discussion, of course. 
  • Did you notice how wallpaper is making a comeback in decor magazines and television shows?  I still have one room papered in the '90s and can't decide what to do about that either!
  • I see a habit here, do you? 
Reading: currently between books. I am scanning old cookbooks, preparing for the donation phase.

TV: now there's a wasteland for you! During a free trial, I have streamed "True Royalty" for the week. It has some interesting views but not enough to pay for it. It has been canceled. I mostly enjoyed the clothes. I am a bit shallow on that front. How many things have changed in 20-30- years in fashion. That is not necessarily a good thing.

I am heartened that many in the social network are keeping up the good plan. They dress daily, some get quite fancied up, wear the makeup if you do that, wear some jewelry, a string of pearls will not kill you! If we pretend long enough it will come true, well, maybe but you will be ready! Yes?

Social Media: Have you heard of the Darling Academy? It is a website where a young woman, based in the UK, teaches modern etiquette. Interesting read. The Darling Academy  The theme is a strong one among young women today. They want to live Traditional lives. It is a charming little website.

I hope your first day of Summer has been a lovely one. I have a kitchen full of dishes to put away after our Fathers Day dinner, Food to pack up for travel, and a hot cup of tea waiting after two long days of cooking and preparing. I keep saying this is the last time, and the next time I will likely say the same thing.
