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- Who doesn't like a strawberry season? In full force here right now, I bumped into one of my favorite reads and found some great little printable art to commemorate the season for 2020 and in the files a nice collection of recipes.
In the past I have mentioned a great blog I have followed for several years. Ann on Sutton Place covers many subjects of interest. She offers free printables with her newsletters and they are so darn cute. If you like to switch up artwork per season or just by whim, check out her collection. If you sign up for her newsletters she gives a password with each to access the entire collection. You can print recipe cards, there are large recipe collections, etc. Onsuttonplace HERE
- In a week of dysfunction, I am having photo transfer issues of blog photos. Eeeekkkk! So, bear with me, literally, I am sort of feeling like a bear that can't get to the honey!