A New Facebook Group, Victorian Tea Time

It's Tuesday Tea Time! I found a different type of Facebook group last week. Each post by members has to be about Tea Time! This is a Lemon Cake, divinie!Image may contain: food
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A  glorious Victorian silver service.
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Charming, love that sugar shell.
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Now, just so you know, this is not my collection. This lady owned several tea shops in the past and she kept much of the accouterments when she closed them. 
  •  I want to find different eye candy now and then! This one really intrigues me. Tea time in Sewtopia is a special marker of the day. It is rarely fancy, mostly just me and Lola!
  • About once per week I bake a special cake or quick bread. I have learned to freeze or divide the item because it goes off before we can eat it. This way I have something to pull out later in the week or if guests pop in, and they will again soon. 
  • It is the time of year when I empty the cupboards and closets, wash all the teapots and cups, then replace them. It never ends, I frequently can't find the correct placement. I need to take pictures this time.
