String piecing here. I remember taking a class years ago from Margaret Islander to learn "Assembly-line Piecing." Then Eleanor Burns adapted a method, very similar, and put a bit of humor in it by tossing her scraps over her shoulder and speaking in a happy, sing-song voice. I remember watching her on Public Television with such rapt attention thinking...I can do this.
So here is my new friend. I picked this little ripper-stiletto during last years Shop Hop.
25 centers done, each one with a white block in the center. Really like the way the wool pressing mat with a bit of steam flattens those seams! |
I think you might be thinking this post is like watching paint dry! |
Starting on the next rows. |
On a roll so to speak. This little tool rolls toward the needle bed every time I set it down. I cut a little stack of post-its and stuck them to the machine, just enough to stop the roll. |
I've been looking for this pattern for about a year. See what happens when you clean? |
- Don't you just laugh at the way I keep trying to not find more things to do, but continue to find more things to do while making one little itty-bitty happy Summer quilt?
- My self-driven studio time, in trial for about two months, works well when I don't have to go somewhere. When my day gets interrupted or split by appointments it usually gets sidetracked.
- This isolation situation has limited that.
- Let's make here