A Gift from Dear Son's Girl Friend, she already knows me well! This was a reminder, a gentle nudge for me to return to my passion. |
The Sunday post is all about inspiration. Seeking motivation for life and for work. Looking for that little reminder of how to be our best selves. Thus the week between Christmas and the New Year becomes a time of reflection and a time for planning the proverbial "new start." No, I will not be a slave to a treadmill or a weight lifting routine! There is no Pelaton here!
I seek beauty, serenity, peace. |
Before we can welcome in the New year, we need to put the old year behind us. Perhaps some or all of those goals and aspirations that you held on January 1, 2019, did not survive. With each year there is good and not so good and quite frankly sometimes some really bad. But you made it. Some people, much smarter than I, suggest we write down all those disappointments and sorrows on little pieces of paper, then dispose of them. Some say in the fire, some suggest in the trash. Whatever method suits you best consider the possibilities. At the same time, we might consider writing our aspirations for 2020 on little pieces of paper or even in our journal (if you keep one) to set some goals and plan your projects. Or not. I am not a resolution type of person but I do like to loosely list some plans to provide direction. I don't get all fussed up if it doesn't work out.
- I have a nice, new, fresh daily minder calendar that I keep on my desk. I outline plans there and track my productivity on many levels. Old habits die hard. I have been doing this for 30 or so years.
- My major plan for this year is to inventory my non-quilting fabric. I have a bit. I know someone who would love to have some of it, a new Sewist. I can thin the herd!
- Again, I want to work on returning to garment sewing, deal with my fitting issues and get some use out of that new Coverstitch machine that has been sorely neglected. A recently discovered web/blog space has enticed me to start again, HERE! Sew DIY is loaded with information, tutorials and videos to help us along the way.
- I know that I need to sew. I have been sewing since age 9 on a Treadle machine. It is part of me. When I can't or don't I am not happy. There will be adjustments in Sewtopia, some may not appreciate that I must have some time for me. Nothing drastic, but time, purposeful and scheduled. Bingo!