Rosehill Cottage, I want to live here! The English countryside is magical in films. This little place was constructed just for a movie! I have not seen The Holiday's but I will be doing some research.

Step into my cosy kitchen and I will put the kettle on!

I have a fire laid in the guest room if you wish to stay the night.
My substitution for this bucollic setting is a sweet little book I picked up in a Museum store. Phipps Conservatory has a lovely little gift shop and their book collection is really quite diverse for such a shop. Watercolors are enchanting to me. This sweet little book was written by a man named Henry Terry in 1873. It contains Spring and Summer sketches of wildflowers collected by his children that he translated into small paintings contained in this book. They are adorable and a perfect compilation complete enough to be an encyclopedia of the Oxfordshire countryside. I would love to translate some of the sketches into embroidery, some day!