I would bet I am not the only one who fell in love with the Hoffman Flower Panels. They are glorious, the colors, the designs, the possibilities! I have two, in repose as we speak because I have been mining the YouTube channels and Pinterest for ideas. There are many. But I think this is one of my favorites. I have seen these done with all-over quilting, like this one, and I have seen spectacular ones done on an embroidery machine with each petal featuring it's own design. Mama Mia, I don't think I have that much patience! Anyhoo.... I need to get serious about finishing at least one of these.

Panels have found their popularity again. They are printed on quality fabric and digital printing has created dimension and color variation never before available to the home quilter.

Panels have found their popularity again. They are printed on quality fabric and digital printing has created dimension and color variation never before available to the home quilter.
I did this one a few years ago. I like to rotate the little wall hanging panels on the door in my studio. |
This one was one of my first if I remember correctly. |
This one was earlier this Summer. It hangs in MIL's room at the nursing home. |
- The quality of printing on these panels is far superior to what we saw in the 1980's.
- If you need a quick gift, this is it!
- Simple outline quilting and a doodle here and there adds structure to the piece.
- I prefer a simple, usually black thin binding.