Holy Cow! As my Father would have exclaimed. I have quite a collection of charm squares. Early in the days of pre-cuts, which really was not that long ago, I was tickled pink with all those little squares. My storage bins confirm that. Probably more than I will use in a lifetime and quite frankly some I will never use and will be sorted out for sharing. However, in the meantime I am always searching for ideas. Saw this on Facebook and felt the need to share. ***as always no compensation received or implied from anyone, anytime.
What Can You Do with a 5 Inch Charm Square?

May 6, 2019 | Quilting How-To
| These Versatile Cuts Can be Used Many Ways!
Packs of 5″ squares are very popular and many quilts have been designed around them. A charm pack includes one or more 5″ squares from an entire fabric line (usually 40 – 44 squares), making it easy to coordinate fabrics for a quilt. Plus it’s just plain fun to have a bit of every fabric from a line you love.
Chart from The Sassy Quilter.
what else can you do with 5″ squares? You can cut them in half for 2
1/2″ x 5″ strips or cut them into four 2 1/2″ squares (these are
unfinished sizes).The following graphic from Moda Fabrics shows several other ways to cut and stitch charm squares. It also shows the number of 5″ squares you can cut from various cuts of fabric.
