This Is Not A Beginning Quilters Quilt-It is Graduation Season, Advanced Intermediate!

Check out this beauty! Terri from the Ladies of the Cloth Tuesday Group brought this for show and tell today. We and she often quip that she is a beginning quilter, compared to those of us who have been doing it for some time. Beginning in the sense of time maybe, but not in skill. This quilt is beautiful and so well quilted I have deemed Terri Advanced Intermediate!
Seriously, can you believe how classy this one is?
Each one of these little blocks is line quilted to emphasize their shape.

Vibrant colors seem to float on the backgroud.

Such an interesting fabric compilation. It would never occur to me but then again, that's sort of the issue, isn't it. That's one of the reasons why I will not ever graduate to Advanced Intermediate! 💚 
The background is a nice contrast to the front. Beautifully quilted.
  • Terri is very good at following patterns. She translates the style in beautiful fabrics.
  • This week we were blessed to see friends that have been away for a while for one reason or another. These are friends. We sew, we laugh, we share. We are a quilt family.
  • Creativity is enhanced by talent, these ladies show it well.
